Imported Red Globe Grapes - 500 gms

Regular price Rs. 200.00

About the Product

Ruby-coloured imported red globe grapes are uniquely large, round and good quality grapes. They have a crunchy skin, fleshy pulp and a pinkish tinge in colour. The grapes have mild sweetness and taste, but these grapes are not as tangy as flame seedless or as sweet as Thompson seedless.


  • Red Globe maintain skin health and control the ageing process. They posses antibacterial and antiviral properties.
  • Improve eye sight and brain power. Prevent obesity and heart diseases. They combat kidney disorders by reducing uric acid.
Storage and Uses

  • Red globe grapes have a long shelf life. Refrigerate them unwashed. Wash them well under cold water before consuming.
  • Commonly used for table purpose, they are also a great additions to fresh salads and juices.